The ONE THING I don’t like about being a vego

If you have been following my blog a little bit, you would have come across my many reasons to become a vegan/vegetarian. (If not, please refer to an earlier post.)

As the video on that post explains to a tee all of my reasons for my new-found beliefs, there is one thing that troubles me about living this type of lifestyle. I don’t like being a vego because I find it very limiting. For as long as I can remember, I have been a very open-minded person and very interested in trying lots of different and new things, especially when it came to food. I would try almost anything and everything under the sun at least once. I loved experiencing new foods and flavours that were offered to me from various cultures and what not. I know that although being a vego, I still have the opportunity to have, eat and create delicious foods, I just feel it is in some way very limiting, and I don’t like giving myself limits. I guess it just gets a bit challenging when the majority of the world is so accustomed to consuming meat and animal products that I feel like I’m limiting myself to only eating the “vegetarian” option on the menu rather than having a chance at eating anything off the menu. It’s much more enjoyable going to a vego restaurant and knowing that I can have my pick of anything that they have to offer.

I know I have only been a vegetarian for a few months, but I realised today that this is the most challenging thing for me. I hope I overcome it though as I need to continue to remember that ‘fish are friends, not food’ (Finding Nemo). And the same goes for all other living beings on this earth.

PictureLove and compassion to all earthlings πŸ™‚

*Update: this kinda fits with the daily prompt.

7 thoughts on “The ONE THING I don’t like about being a vego

  1. Thank you for sharing! I enjoyed reading your blog. Good luck with being a vegetarian/vegan! There are still some foods I can’t quite give up, like sweets. Do you have any vegetarian/vegan cook books? I found they helped a lot.

    • Thanks. I don’t have any cook books, I find I don’t tend to stick to them anyway but I have a few recipes that I’m yet to try. I’m finding the transition to being a vegan much harder, both within myself and within the world we live in, I bought a jar of basil pesto the other night and found it had milk solids! Really?! I’d rather make my own, it’s much more tasty. Hopefully I will get there though.

      • You can do it! Be easy on yourself, it can be a rough transition. I still struggle at times. Good luck! Hit me up if you need support or to talk:)

  2. I’ve had phases of being vegetarian, but it never lasts more than a couple of years. Then someone waves a bacon sarnie about and I’m gone πŸ˜€ I don’t actually eat much meat, I simply don’t like the taste of most red meat, so I stick to chicken and fish, but I do admire those who can resist bacon…. oh and hotdogs πŸ˜‰

    • I’ve never been a BIG bacon fan anyway, and after watching a video on the production of hot dogs, I don’t think I’ll ever eat one again! I do miss particular meats, I won’t lie, but I’d rather miss the taste and know I’m living a happier healthier life rather than give in and disappoint myself. But we’re all different and I accept that πŸ™‚

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